In the fashion industry, one element plays a vital role in showcasing the talent and craftsmanship of fashion designers – the mannequin. While typically overlooked, these obviously lifeless figurines possess the power to attract our attention and breathe new life into the apparel they adorn. But what are mannequins exactly?
Mannequins are life-sized figurines or models, specifically designed to resemble the human shape. They serve for displaying garments, accessories, or other fashion-associated items in a realistic and visually pleasing way. They are typically made of different materials like fiberglass, plastic, wood, or wax and are usually crafted to closely represent human measurements and positions.
Mannequins And Their Uses
Mannequins serve as an essential tool for visual merchandisers, retailers, and designers alike, allowing them to showcase clothing and accessories in a captivating and compelling manner.
Besides their practical intention, mannequins have a unique ability to conjure up emotions and trigger imagination. They are utilized in fashion and retail since their presence allows us to visualize ourselves personifying the beauty of the outfits they showcase. In a world in which fashion constantly evolves and fashions come and go, mannequins serve as everlasting symbols, representing the developing styles of our society.
Outside their clear connection to fashion, mannequins have also found their way into museums and art installations. Inside the museum context, mannequins are created to accurately represent historical figures, enabling visitors to visualize the past in an actual way. In addition, mannequins enable the preservation of frail garments and textiles, as they offer a balanced and secure stand for displaying fragile pieces devoid of subjecting them to unreasonable handling or environmental impairment. By way of the skillful use of mannequins, museums create inviting settings that place visitors at different times, offering an unforgettable educational experience.
The Different Types Of Mannequins
Mannequins can come in an assortment of various shapes and forms. Typically, the type of mannequin chosen is going to be decided on the basis of what is being displayed. For instance, when you are selling women’s clothes, you would usually use a full-body female mannequin, at the same time if you are displaying a bracelet or ring, you would utilize a hand mannequin rather than a full-body one.
The kinds of mannequins available comprise of:
Full body:
These mannequins can be female, male, or child, and includes the whole body. You can also get plus-size and mannequins that are pregnant, to guarantee that your total customer base is represented. Full-sized mannequins can come with heads, when required to display accessories like hats or headbands, however, not always.
Mannequin parts enable you to concentrate on one specific part of the body, legs to display socks, shoes, or anklets, or arms/hands for gloves, rings, and bracelets.
Flexible Ones:
Conventional mannequins don’t really to have any moveable parts, however, if you want to show creativity with your displays, a movable mannequin is going to allow you to move your mannequin into various poses to keep your customers curious in what you have to offer. These are usually useful for sports stores, because they can showcase clothes in a wide range of poses.
A ghost mannequin guarantees that the garments are the main focus, as you are unable see the mannequin at all when it’s dressed. The mannequin gives the garments a shape so customers can see how they could look when wearing them.
A face mannequin is a favorable option for beauty stores or cosmetologists that want to practice their art.
Bargain Store Equipment
Bargain Store Equipment is your one stop shop for retail store equipment as well as restaurant equipment, display cases, shelving and more. Bargain Store Equipment has great prices on all your retail equipment needs including mannequins, counters, shelves, showcases, display refrigerators and more. Contact Bargain Store Equipment today!