Are you looking for the best possible mannequin display for your retail location? We’ve compiled a list of the 7 most popular mannequin types.
What are Mannequins?
The synthetic dolls used by retailers to display their merchandise (could be anything) are referred to as mannequins. They help patrons know about the current trend the store provides without occasionally even disturbing the sales rep. It is the appealing mannequin in which pulls the customer into the shop.
1. Realistic Mannequins
Realistic mannequins have been proven to live up to their name. These mannequins are designed to look like a real person, which helps consumers truly visualize the clothing items on themselves. The skin is made of fiberglass that helps make them look even more realistic. Realistic mannequins are typically sized to average human dimensions.
The heads can be covered with wigs are left untouched, depending on the preferences of the retailer. You will commonly find this type of mannequin in expensive or high-end stores. Female and male mannequins alike are shaped accordingly, which only further adds to the desired realistic element.
2. Flexible Mannequins
Flexible mannequins have been in high demand lately due to their obvious benefit: versatility. Retailers can do anything they desire with these displays, positioning them in poses not typically found in any store. Flexible mannequins have been described as a window dresser’s dream.
Most mannequins are made of fiberglass or plastic, yet these mannequins feature joints constructed of high-density foam that can be twisted into almost any position. Retailers can also move the heads into any desired pose. No limbs must be removed, so these are the easiest mannequins to dress up.
3. Abstract Mannequins
Elite stores often choose abstract mannequins due to their finely detailed finish. Sometimes, these mannequins are treated more as an art display rather than a typical retail model. The detailed facial features are really what stick out about these mannequins.
Abstract models come with other desirable characteristics like elbows, fingernails and even muscles. These can be made of fiberglass, which will highlight the curves of a typical human body.
4. Headless Mannequins
For stores that may be lacking in ceiling height, headless mannequins are a great option. Also made of fiberglass, these mannequins come in various shapes and sizes.
Fiberglass ensures durability, and the majority of these mannequins will have their head held straight up. Headless mannequins have the ability to display all types of clothing and accessories.
5. Torso Mannequins
Torso mannequins are widely available and sought-after for their compact shape and ease of transport. Some of these mannequins can even come with the option of attaching limbs.
Torso mannequins are efficient in areas where several other models are not. They can be used to display the top part of any clothing and are the cheapest of all the mannequin options. Shop for torso mannequins right here!
6. Child Mannequins
Of course, it’s not just adults that need their clothing modeled in a store. Child mannequins help parents immensely to pick out clothing for all sorts of occasions. The sub-classes include baby, child and teenager. It is possible to find baby dummies, as well.
Teenage mannequins are used to attract teen consumers by displaying new and unique fashion styles. The biggest advantage to these mannequins is they can be posed in many different positions.
7. Ghost Mannequins
Also known as invisible or photography mannequins, ghost mannequins are usually found in high-class retailers. These mannequins are so unique because they cannot be seen in photographs. You will merely see the clothing as its meant to be worn.
These models have multiple detachable parts that make the clothing appear as if it is floating. Ghost mannequins are also used in magazine displays and online stores.
Mannequins For Sale At Bargain Store Equipment
Bargain Store Equipment is your one stop shop for retail store equipment as well as restaurant equipment, display cases, shelving and more. Bargain Store Equipment has great prices on all your retail equipment needs including mannequins, counters, shelves, showcases, display refrigerators and more. Contact Bargain Store Equipment today!